
Helping Struggling Readers Focus

Summary:  Here is a help that I found for children and teens who struggle with reading.  It is called the Reading Focus Cards and there is also an app that can be used on computers, too. It has already helped 1,000's of kids/teens.  #readingfocuscards #strugglingreaders

Do you have a child or teen who struggles with reading?

Do they forget what line they are on, or have trouble concentrating?  

Or does your teen get distracted by the other words on the page?

I have recently found out about a helpful and clever device that could help your reader, called the Reading Focus Cards (Patent 7,565,759).

These specially designed cards help eliminate distraction, and improve reading in a number of ways, by guiding your reader to focus on just the words at hand.  

This device has helped 1,000's of kids and teens with: 

-visual processing issues 
-and other learning issues.  

They are made to work with all kinds of books, from picture books to novels,  and come in two different sizes, with filters included.

Below is a picture of one of them.

The Reading Focus Cards are specially made with specially made filters to help the reader focus.  

They were developed by Mrs. Joan Brennan, a special education teacher who has worked with kids and teens for over 20 years.  She is a big supporter of homeschooling and started Brennan Innovators, LCC.  

With these tools, her challenged readers significantly improved a number of reading skills, including their:

-reading rate
-word attack
-and retention.

The way this reading tool works is simple.  

reading c ards

It is designed to train the reader to focus on individual words and text lines, guiding the eye appropriately from left to right. 

In this way, this educational tool helps promote more focus, improve important reading skills and eliminate distractions such as other text lines on a page and the white page backgrounds.

from Mrs. Brennan @ Focus and Read Blog, where there is much more information on the Reading Focus Cards and how to use them.
She also offers an app that works on computers.

To read more about that and how it helps with digital reading, please click here - Reading Focus Cards App. ((Patent 8,360,779) 

I have a complete review of the Reading Focus Cards on Tricia's site called The Curriculum Choice.

What have you found that helps your kids who struggle with reading?  Please share in the comments.

This post was shared on What to Read Wednesday and was featured!  Thanks!!

Thanks for stopping by BJ's Homeschool,


Betsy is mom to her now college grad, whom she homeschooled through high school.  She blogs at BJ's Homeschool, about the early yearshighschool
collegegifted/2e and wrote -Homeschooling High School with College in Mind, 2nd Edition,   She offers homeschool help through messages at BJ's Consulting and has had some of her articles picked up by the Huffington Post.

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  1. This looks like a very helpful device. I hope you will come by Made for Kids link party this Sunday at 10pm EST and link up.

    1. Thanks, the Rescourceful Mama, for stopping by! I just linked up to the Made for Kids party. I hope this focusing device will help lots of young readers!

    2. Thank you for linking up! We hope to see again this Sunday starting at 10pm EST at #made4kdis!

  2. I love this idea! I try to have my kids hold a bookmark under the line they are reading to block out what is coming and help them focus on what is happening.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Mother of 3, and have a good rest of the week with your kiddos!

  3. What a great resource! We are still in the early days of reading, but I will keep this in mind when we move to more chapter books!! Would love to have you come link up with the #ParentTeacherMeetUp as well! :)

  4. Hi, Branson Merrill, from the #ParentTeacherMeetUp, for stopping by! I am happy to link up and I appreciate your telling me about your linkup. Have a great day! So happy to have another way to share this great rescourse to families.

  5. Sounds like a great invention! I still need to use a post card or book mark to move along as I read so I don't get distracted!

    1. I know what you mean, Emma @ P is for Preschooler. I often use a book mark, too. That is why the Reading Focus Cards are such a help! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Great idea to keep in mind. I think my upcoming reader could benefit from these. Visiting from SHINE blog hop.

    1. Thanks for stopping by from the SHINE blog hop, Abi Craig!

  7. This looks helpful for many ages. Thanks for sharing with #What to Read Wednesday. We hope you will link-up again next week!

    1. I sure will, Trena Balakrishnan! I love linking up at the #What to Read Wednesday blog hop! Thanks for stopping by,

  8. This looks awesome! We are currently just using a sheet of blank paper to help our son track. Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. So happy to read your comment about reading focusing, Erin Vincent. Hope it helps, and have a good day with your young reader!

  9. I have made something similar for years. A blank half piece of paper with a slit cut out of the middle. These look like they would last sooooo much longer. Thanks for introducing me to them!

  10. How fantastic, Catherine! I think you rock! Thanks for stopping by,
