
Frugal Resources for High School Homeschool Transcripts

Summary:  Sharing frugal ways to get help in creating your teen's homeschool transcripts.  Note - This post may included affiliate links to products that we love and have used or would use in our  own homeschool. Please see my disclosure policy.

Have your begun making your teen's transcripts, and found it to be a little daunting?  

I did.  

Compiling all the necessary information, and knowing what to put where, can be overwhelming, to say the least. 

And who doesn't want a little help for this important task, anyway?

Frugal Resources for Transcripts

Wondering what to put where, for your teen's transcripts?  Fast Transcripts does this for you.  I found it very helpful to have this assistance when I did my daughter's transcripts.  And they help with the record keeping too, so you can put each of your teen's courses in, just one at a time, if you like.

"Fast Transcripts enables you to track your high schooler's courses via online record keeping, and then helps you produce an official transcript with an auto-calculation feature for determining yearly and cumulative GPAs.  

You even have the option of having your final transcript printed on watermark protected, academic record stock!  Take the worry out of creating, updating, storing and sending your student's transcripts."  .....HSLDA

This book is an easy-to-read guide to high school for homeschoolers,  including:

- A transcript form to print out
- Step by step instructions for filling in the transcript form
- A sample transcript
Recommended by: Lessa Scherrer, certified college counselor from College Inside Track:

"Betsy has a wealth of understanding and knowledge to share with the parents of college bound homeschoolers. This book is a must-read for parents considering homeschooling high school and for parents in the thick of the application process."

With 12 high school and college planning printables.  Just fill them in!  All free downloads.

The high school and college planning forms include:

College Entrance Requirements Form
Overall High School Plan
Curriculum Planning Sheet
High School Credit Record Form
Transcript Form
Activities and Awards Form
Homemade Course Form
Writing the College Essay Form
Course Descriptions Record Keeping Form
Reference Letter Request Form
PE Record Form

For more information, click here - Frugal College Prep for Homeschoolers 

Thanks for stopping by BJ's Homeschool,


Betsy is a Christian mom to her now college grad, whom she homeschooled through high school.  She blogs at BJ's Homeschool, about the early yearshigh school
collegegifted/2e and wrote -Homeschooling High School with College in Mind, 2nd Edition,   She has had some of her articles picked up by the Huffington Post.

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  1. Very helpful info! Thanks for linking this post up at the Thoughtful Spot!

    1. Thanks for your comment, Laura Pheneger from the Thoughtful Spot, where there are always great resources.

  2. Thannks for stopping by, Laughlin! When I did my teen's transcripts, I was so happy to find a little help, and for me ,that made all the difference. That is wonderful to hear that all of your kids are interested in college. Mine is a newbie freshman right now. Have a great evening,

  3. This looks like such a wonderful resource - thank you for sharing your wisdom and experience!

    1. Thanks, Hodgepodgemom, of the Hodgepodge blog and The Curriculum Choice, for your kind comments! I hope that families feel encouraged, and find that doing their teen's transcripts are not as daunting as they thought. I found it helpful to get a little help, so that my record keeping would be much easier to do.

  4. Yes, frugal is important, but my son got a huge scholarship because I was able to show the university just how much good work he had done. Sometimes it pays to get an expensive but more thorough and easier to use solution. Here's what I wrote about that:

  5. Thanks for sharing, Annie Kate! We used a frugal resource for our transcripts, and also sent additional information, including a summary of each course, which texts we used, etc. Then on the application, we shared activities and awards, that sort of thing. I agree that showing all the work is so very important. So many colleges are learning how well educated our homeschooled teens are. Congratulations on your son's scholarship!

  6. I've always been pretty computer-savvy, and I actually kept track of everything myself and created my own transcripts in high school (great college prep--if from 9th grade onward, you stay on track of making sure you get all courses required for graduation, you're better prepared to make good decisions for choosing the college courses you need to graduate on time!). It's also convenient to have software to make them. After college admissions and scholarship applications, though, I've never needed to show a transcript to anyone--still they are important for that short but pivotal life season.

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience and insights, Rachel! That will be an encouragement to other families who are homeschooling high school.

  7. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on transcripts, and the importance of having them, Laughlin. I agree that they are very important, even if hot heading towards college. They can verify graduation.
