
My Teen's First Plane Trip

This week, my daughter attended a national youth conference....

 It was held in North Carolina, for the National Youth and Government (YAG) College Conference. She went with two other students from our state of Washington, who were from her high school government group. 

They got to meet here......... 

which was the national conference center for the YMCA.

 This was her first solo flight, so I was quite nervous for her.  She, on the other hand, was not at all, and enjoyed every minute of her flight.... 

I wanted my daughter to have this opportunity, to get a chance to learn more about government and politics.  And to have fun!  She sent me this photo also,while in the air.....

She participated in the conference by playing the role of a senator, as they all enacted the college youth legislature.  She presented her own mock bill there.  It was discussed in committee......

then debated, and voted on in session.  She made friends with students from around the country....

 and got to be a part of this group.....meeting kids from different colleges all over...

Have you heard of Youth and Government,  orYAG?  It is a  middle and high schooler's program, where teens learn all about their state government, hands-on.

Each year, they gather together, for their state's youth mock legislature.  It is sponsored by the YMCA, and is available in 34 states around the country.  

My daughter loved going on this trip.  I am so glad, too... even though it was hard for me to have her fly across the country!  

It was so nice to greet her at the airport, and hear all of her stories....And I am happy to report "that both daughter and mom survived and are doing fine."

It was an adventure for us both!!

Happy Homeschooling,


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  1. Wow this sounds like a great program! I'm going to have to check it out for my dd. My oldest dd did a study abroad with her Community College and she loved it so much she'd begged to sign up for another one. It seems the CC Study Abroad programs were had smaller groups and were cheaper than the 4 year colleges programs.

    1. Thanks, Nita for stopping by! All of the high school Youth and Gov programs were sponsored by the Y, and were local. They are offered in 34 states, and the usual travel is to the state's capital in the spring. We were able to go to this national conference, as they offered scholarships to some of the college Y and G college kids. CC Study Abroad sounds cool, too!

  2. What a cool program. What a wonderful learning time for your daughter.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. Thanks, Dawn, and I hope that lots of other families get to go to other Yand G events, too!

  3. Gosh how cool was that experience. Love it

  4. Thanks, Melissa N. for stopping by! She came home happy and tired, so it must have been a fun experience for her. We love the way Youth and Government activities are so well organized and fun at the same time.
