
Easing Transitions for Homeschooled Teens

Summary: 8 Ways to encourage your teens during times of stress or transitions, related to the pandemic or dealing with a higher homework load, or going from #homeschoolinghighschool to #college, etc. #homeschoolhighschool

This year, 2021, has given us all many things to continue to deal with. Some of our kids and teens have had to go about homeschooling without a lot of their usual co-op classes or activities.

Our graduates who have gone onto college are mostly now studying online from their bedrooms, instead of moving onto campus, or commuting there.

I remember a few years ago when my own daughter was starting college and commuting from our home. She had a lot to adjust to, including all the loads of homework for her college classes. 

She was adjusting to this big change pretty well, but did find it to be stressful transition as well.  

Other times, teens are dealing with a higher load of homeschool studies, such as during their junior year.

This got me thinking about how we can support our teens as they go through changes in their lives and take on new experiences.  And how can we do that, encouraging them, without making them feel like kid?

When our kids were little, it could be easier in a way, as we can give our support more directly.  

Then we helped our kids adjust to new things, such as the new babysitter, a new legos class, making friends, losing a friend who moves away, or moving to a new church, etc.  

It's so important, as we help our teens, that we not give them the message that they can't do it themselves.  

So today, I'd like to share 8 ideas for encouraging our homeschooled teens when they are going through a transition, to college, or a new job, or any new situations or transitions that our teens find themselves in.

Such as dealing with the pandemic, political situations in our  country, a family move to a new house, etc.

Some of these ideas have helped with my own transitions as a mom, too. 

The first one's my favorite.

1. Build in time with Nature

As a homeschooling mom, I was always looking for ways to build in nature, on the way to the store, buying supplies, etc.  

Now, with my commuting to college kid, we don't have as much time for long nature road trips together anymore.

But we still love taking time to notice things together, the sun on the leaves, all the fall colors, the clouds, the moon and stars from our deck.......  

So we have been enjoying shorter nature road trips together...still so special and beautiful to do.  

With the pandemic, I have been focusing on making time for myself to get out, even if it is to just walk around the block.  And stretch my legs.

I have added below, some of the pictures that I took on these short trips, or walks to local parks, etc.

2. Set out a Few Old Favorites

A favorite book, a special card, can really make a difference.

3. Leaving out a Treat

A simple idea that I have used a lot the summer before she started college, was just to put a favorite candy bar or snack in a basket, in their room..

4.  Being There when they Inclined to Share

Avoiding the "How was your day?" was key for us.  But when my teen would naturally begin sharing, I tried to be right there, putting my stuff aside. 

I also found that taking drives often was a great way to encourage my daughter to share if she wanted to, as we were focused on the drive and what we saw as we talked.

5.  Making use of Old Routines

Routines seem to help kids and teens a lot.  Well, they sure help me as well!

My teen had a major change in routine, going from homeschooling to college.  My routine had changed, too, of course, so I am trying to build in little things from my old routine for myself as well.  

Such as cooking dinner with my daughter, one night a week, like we always used to do.  

With our homeschooled teens going to college or work and being gone a lot during the day, can be such a big change for us mamas, too.  

So anything from our former routine may help.  It's is such a natural signal of safety and calmness.  

Stopping by our favorite pizza place, making an old favorite for dinner, and even having dinner at the same time as we used to, has helped all of us in my family.  

My teen even said that she missed her old chore routine. Can you believe that?

6.  Comparing New experiences to Old

My teen found out that many of her old friends were not going to the same college. 

That meant going into a new environment, and the stress of not knowing anyone.  Of course, most of the other college freshmen were in the same boat.  

It seemed to help to remind her of times when she had dealt with this same situation in the past.  

I mentioned her Youth and Government activity that she started in 9th grade.  When she began in that group, she also didn't know anyone.  But soon she was running for secretary!  

Similarities can really help.  I look for those for myself, too.

7.  Encouraging Fun!

Fun activities can help to build us up.  I look for fun activities for my family and for myself, too.  

Reminding my daughter to not forget the fun has been a part of my role as with her as she becomes a young adult.  And when I do that, it often reminds me to look for the fun, too.

Right now I am enjoying taking my camera out when I go walking.  And as a retired homeschool mama, I also am looking for a way to volunteer as a tutor for little ones.  I miss those times with my own when she was a young one. 

I also am encouraging my daughter to build in the fun at college and check out the clubs there, faith communities, etc.  

My teen still benefits from reminders to build in the fun as a teen, who can forget her personal needs, as we all can do from time to time.

8.  Encouraging Rest

Teens may tend to think that they have no limits.  Have you seen that in your house?  Can you relate?  

New college students can really be set up for illness and infections, with all the stress of starting out as a freshman.  

So building in  rest, quiet time, and prayer are things I often suggest or gently remind her of when she is tired.  

I also enjoy doing some quiet time activities as a family, watching movies, or reading together, important for our homeschooled kids, who have done so much as a family.  

Nurturing our teen's spirits is so important as they venture forth, and for our own spirits as moms, too.

With our teens face changes that often can mean some changes for us, too. Adjusting ourselves to the new, allows us space to begin to explore new exciting things for ourselves as well.  
More high school posts are on Pinterest:

My mission is to encourage and equip moms who come after me, so that they can enjoy the benefits of homeschooling high school, as my family did.  

That's why I wrote this book:

Homeschooling High School with College in Mind - 2nd edition

Kindle is FREE to read on Amazon Prime now. 
Take a look at it here - Amazon 

Thanks for stopping by BJ's Homeschool,


Betsy is mom to her now college grad, whom she homeschooled from day one.  She blogs at BJ's Homeschool, about the early yearshigh school & college and wrote the book - Homeschooling High School with College in Mind.   She offers homeschool help through messages at BJ's Consulting

Want to stay in touch?  

This post was shared on my favorite linkups here.

Copyright @ BJ's Homeschool 2021
All Rights Reserved


  1. These are great tips for helping your teen transition!

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