
Homeschooling in Washington State


    Summary:  How to homeschooling in WA state, with resources and homeschooling group links, too!

    My family has homeschooled in Washington State for 14 years now.  Our homeschool law is very homeschool friendly, and there is a lot of homeschool support here, too. 

    We homeschooled our daughter here in WA state, starting in preschool and we decided to go all the way through high school.  

    Our daughter is now in college, and in fact, is almost ready to graduate from the University of Washington, one of the four colleges that she was accepted by after graduating from our homeschool.

    Today, I am sharing resources on our law, and all the good support that our state has to offer to homeschoolers. 

    SO we will cover today:

    • Our WA State Homeschool Law
    • Support and Resources
    • Annual Testing and Assessments
    • Our State Convention
    • Nature Study/Field Trips
    • Ask Betsy at BJ's Homeschool Help
    • What about college bound teens?

    First, to get started, here is information on our Washington State Homeschooling Law:

    1.  Washington Homeschool Organization - WHO

    This is our statewide homeschool organization, with a large website, full of resources and information on our homeschool law.

    It also explains how to fill out the required Intent to Homeschool Form each year, by September 15th, once your child is 8 years old.

    WHO also offers a free Introductory Parent Packet to all new homeschoolers.

    2.  Qualifying Homeschool Courses are also offered by WHO and Christian Heritage.

    3.  Christian Heritage also has a brief description of our homeschool law.

    Support and Resources

    1. Teen Events@ Auburn Library

    2.  Maple Valley Covington Homeschool Group  is a Facebook group that offers park days, field trips, and weekly play times.

    3.  To reach info on our Homeschooling Co-ops, click on Support Groups & Co-Ops 

    4.  Youth and Government, through the YMCA, offers teens a chance to learn about our state government, speech and debate, and more.  We so loved doing this activity and the Youth Mock Legislature meeting event in Olympia.  

    5.  BJ's Homeschool - This is my website, full of homeschool resources for 

    6.  GHF Learners  

    Do you have a child who is gifted or twice exceptional?  

    A child who is struggling with sensory processing issues, or one who has ADHD behaviors?  

    Check on my page on that and also the wonderful site that I write for at Gifted Homeschool Forum, too.

    Looking for quality curriculum? I write reviews for this site, along with other veteran homeschool moms.  


    Washington Homeschoolers are required to do annual testing or  assessments each year, starting at age 8.  Here are four resources for getting that done, including options for testing yourself, in your own home.  

    Our Homeschool Convention

    Every year, we all gather at our statewide homeschool convention!  For more information, just click on  our WHO Convention.

     Nature Study/Field Trips

    For ideas on nature oriented field trips, click on Stay-cation in Seattle, full of fun ideas to get your kids out into nature. 

    Homeschool Help

    I offer homeschool help and also free messaging exchanges through my page, BJ's Homeschool

    This can be as simple as asking a few questions and/or any of these:

    1.  How do I Get Started Homeschooling?
    2.  Choosing  Curriculum
    3.  Adapting things to fit my child's needs.  
    4.  Homeschooling Styles
    5. Am I doing enough?
    6. What about Special Needs?
    7.  Homeschooling High School
    8.  How to Apply to College
    9.Washington State Homeschooling
    10.  Homeschooling preschool, K, elementary, middles, too.  

    To reach me or for more info, please click here.

    Do you have a college bound teen in your house?  

    Homeschooling High School with College in Mind - 2nd edition
    Barnes and Noble 

    More high school posts are on Pinterest here: Homeschooling High School Pinterest Board.

    This post is linked to the blog hop at Homeschooling State by State, where there are many resources from all around the US.   And I work with families from all over, too.

    Thanks for stopping by,


    Betsy is mom to her college grad whom she homeschooled from age 3.  She blogs at BJ's Homeschool, about the early yearshigh school & college and wrote the book Homeschooling High School with College in Mind - 2nd Edition.  She offers free homeschool help through messages at BJ's Consulting

    Want to stay in touch?  

    Pinterest, TwitterFacebook 

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