
Homeschooling High School Helps FREEBIE

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Betsy is mom to her now college junior, whom she homeschooled from day one.  She blogs at BJ's Homeschool, about the early yearshigh school & college and wrote the book - Homeschooling High School with College in Mind.   She offers free homeschool help through messages at BJ's Consulting

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  1. Oh it is wonderful to home school teens ! I have one who graduated last year and two that I am enjoying so much. Congrats with yours!

    1. Wendy Meijer, so nice of you to stop by, and congratulations on yours!!

  2. Congrats!! You made it :) What a wonderful place to be as a parent.

  3. Thanks, Rachael DeBruin, and that for all that you do for homeschoolers!

  4. Homeschooling high school is a beautiful thing! I have graduated two so far...and have three left to go. I enjoy your blog. :)

  5. Thanks, YesiHomeschool, for sharing! Two graduated It is so nice to hear that you enjoy reading BJ's Homeschool, because I enjoy writing it! Are you also a blogger? I'd love to read about your homeschool, if you have a blog.

  6. I am happy to hear you chose to homeschool high school. So many families stop at this point and send them on to school. This was not an option in our house due to the many influences at this stage and time. Currently I am homeschooling a 16 year old with my other two being done.

    1. Thanks, Joyce Wheeler, for stopping by! And congratulations on your graduating your first two students! I wish you joy in your homeschooling of your youngest one, and am so glad that you took the time to comment on my blog. Have a good weekend!

  7. I loved homeschooling high school! My daughter graduated in 2014, too, and went to a university about 11 hours away. It has been a hard, but good, adjustment. She has learned so much about being her own person, but she still calls or texts everyday -- and I am LOVING that! I have to tell you, the thing that caught my eye about your post was the picture of the Irish dancing. :) We were involved in Irish dance for 9 years, both performance and competition, and I miss seeing my girl on the stage. :) Enjoy your daughter and the fact that she still seeks out your input; that is a blessing we share and one we should never take it for granted! Have a great weekend! Found your post at the SHINE Blog Hop!

  8. So nice to hear from another irish dancing family, Wendy S! We did the irish competitions in WA state, for about 8 years, and my daughter learned so much from that, and still loves irish dance. I have found that there is an adjustment for our family, too, with our daughter in college, but it also is so fun to watch her take on new things! I am sure that is a joy for you as well. Thanks so much for your comments, and we both have 2014 graduates!! Homeschooling high school has so many blessings, then and in the future, don't you think?

  9. So nice to read this! Our first born is in his 2nd year at Michigan State University and have been homeschooled through his 2nd year in highschool then we used a virtual public school so I didn't have to keep as extensive records/proof. Now I have two other highschoolers strictly being homeschooled without virtual public school. I am nervous, but your post gave me some encouragement to keep them at home. The virtual public school has changed and the kids would have to be on the computer waaaaaay too many hours for what we want for them...not as flexible as in time past.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your story! Congratulations on your first born's accomplishments re college!! We kept going with our own eclectic homeschooling through high school, and it did work well to prepare my teen for college...of course I worried about it, too, lol. I have even seen the colleges tending towards more of an open mind about homeschooling. I hope that my blog is an encouragement to you, and you are also welcome to check out my book which is on Amazon, where I put my best tips for high school and college all together, in one place. There is a little ad for my book on the right hand column, if you are interested. BTW, I am so sorry to have missed your comment and been so delayed in getting back to you. I wish you a wonderful time with your two more teens, during their high school years.
